Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Performer Ego

Good news is my stress is out the window, Roilan and I had a gig on Saturday the 25th in Los Angeles for a wedding. It was marvelous, beautiful place, amazing atmosphere and nice people. It was also one of the easiest gigs we have had in a long time. Reason being is when we perform in the Vegas Casinos, they usually have us to park in the garage parking and then we have to carry all of our props ourselves through the parking garage, through the elevators, through the casinos, through more elevators to get to where we need to go... With this wedding, it was simply pull around the back of the building, carry props in only maybe 20ft, finished. It was glorious.
My part was I was stilt walking which is not recommended for a pregnant woman and I understand why... Your blood circulation changes as well as your center of gravity. Everything turned out fine and I was very careful and asked Roilan to watch me closely incase I needed help, but I spun my poi flags and stilt walked for about 20 minutes and I was good. My legs had gone completely numb and white in the stilts so I knew I was done. When I started walking normal, both of my legs got that annoying tingling fire sensations that tends to happen when the circulation comes back.

Roilan killed his performance, I never get tired of watching him. He is so incredible. We also invited Brennan and Kate to perform since Roilan and I could no longer do the acro routine so far along in my pregnancy. They did amazing and I love their energy together.
After the wedding we stayed with a dear friend of ours, Robert. He lives in Los Angeles and runs an amazing company GenXLabs which is currently one of our sponsors. They specialize in elite nutrition, recovery and muscle supplements and have some of the best products on the market. It was nice being able to talk with him and Christina to catch up. It had been a while since i had had the chance to visit with anyone so the company was well appreciated especially with two super rad people like them.
We woke up and went to the Santa Monica beach on the sunday, there is a grassy loft where many yogi’s come on sundays to practice handstands, acro yoga and all sort of acrobatic activities. I did a little bit of a workout, climbed the ropes which is definitely more of a struggle now than ever, did a few handstands, but decided to go walk the pier since I can’t really do too much.
I found the cirque tent (Totem was in town), I chatted with a guy from Dubai about his country after he asked me to take a photo of him, and even found a part on the beach where they have thousands of crosses representing the number of troops that have died in the war with the middle east. It was nice to walk alone.

On my way back, a gypsy woman caught my attention with her belly dancing clothes and marvelous face painting job. I followed her to a street performing musician where she began to dance along side her. I decided in my mind that I was going to tip her so I slipped a $20 bill in my pocket but I really wanted to talk to her first, maybe get her facebook information or something. I waited for her to finish and I approached her. She took a look at me and turned her back and started rummaging through a back pack she had with her.
I simply said “Wow, amazing dancing, I am hypnotized, how long have you been doing this?” and without even looking at me she said with an annoyed voice “25 years” I didn’t know if she was annoyed by me or by the lack of finding whatever she was searching for so I persisted. “Is there a name to the style of your dance or do you just freestyle?” she was silent as though she didn’t hear me... I started feeling awkward and rejected. Then I just decided to ask one more question. “Do you have a facebook page by chance or a website?” and she barked at me “WHAT ARE YOU GETTING AT, HUH? UNLESS YOU’RE PLANNING TO TIP ME, FUCK OFF.” and I grabbed the $20 out of my pocket and flashed it and replied coldly “Well I was planning on giving you this, but I don’t deem it necessary to tip someone whose soul is as ugly as yours.” I turned my back as I heard her apologize but I kept walking. I came back to the grassy loft and there was a girl doing some pretty awesome single arm handstands. I had never seen another girl other than myself and I applaud anyone who gets the single arm handstand as it is hands down the most difficult skill I have ever learned (and will relearn after baby)
I waddled over to her with my pregnant belly and tried to chat with her... She was also very short and annoyed by my presence so the conversations really didn’t take off so I left her alone…

I sat down and hoped that i have never made anyone feel as sad and alone as I felt in that moment. What was wrong with the world? I understand now why so many people are afraid to speak up and talk to others when you get rejected like that. It also made me think that what if I was an agent and I was approaching these performers with the idea to offer them a job only to be treated like that. I wouldn’t hire that person…
We never know who the people are that approach us as performers. Don’t let your ego get so big that you treat people like shit that are curious about you. You never know who that person is or what that person may be going through. I’ve gotten a lot of jobs from performing because I have always tried to be courteous to others. I’ve had many approach me after a performance to compliment me and ask me questions about my profession as it is something completely new to them. I realized how many people had asked me similar questions that I asked to the gypsy dancer and after having a pleasant conversation with them they turned around and offered me to work at their wedding or some upcoming gig, or they took my information and gave it to someone and “referred me” I’m just saying to keep the door closed like these artists did in Santa Monica is not only stupid but they could also really hurt someone on an emotional level that really needed a boost.
I am also a very different person I realize from most people, I genuinely LOVE people and I LOVE hearing new stories and adventures. EVERYONE has a story to tell, everyone has something to teach you and I thrive on relationships and even simple conversations because I get to feel people and get an idea of who they are, how their mind works and why. I feel as an entertainer, it is NOT about me and my ego. It is about them and how they connect with the story I am trying to tell. The stronger the emotional connection, the more influence you will have over the audience, but if you mistreat someone who loved your act, they will forget you instantly. Treat them with respect, that everyone deserves, and you will have people raving about your act for months to years to come. Perhaps this is the secret to my success, Genuine Love and Respect.


  1. I felt these comments that were shared on Facebook were worth sharing on here

    Curtis Kidd Great story, that illustrates a point I wish more performers understood. Great talent may get you a good gig...but great talent and a pleasant personality will make your career. People don't like to hire people they find unpleasant to be around.
    26 minutes ago · Unlike · 1

    Hope Banrion and unfortunately most performers are super egotistical…. it;s the reason why we really don't have friends in Las Vegas
    23 minutes ago · Like

    Curtis Kidd *nods* Although, sometimes their ego is very entertaining (in the wrong way...) I remember one time at the park when the AC unit backstage went out, and someone was complaining about having to perform under those conditions. She started in on this story about how Aretha Franklin had all these riders on her performance contracts about how climate-controlled the venue had to be (temperature within a specific range, humidity in the air, etc etc). I couldn't help it...I laughed, and said, "Yeah? Well, when you've sold a tenth of the number of records she has, maybe they'll start taking your demands for better AC into consideration..."

    But I also thought, while I was reading your post, about a quote I've seen several times through the years..."To the truly great people, there are no 'little people'." The most beloved performers you hear about, in any discipline, always have stories about how they took the time to talk to someone they didn't know anything about, who couldn't possibly benefit their career in any significant way...they (the performers) were just genuinely interested in the other person as a person. The most successful performers I know have always been able to do that (or at least fake it well!)
    12 minutes ago · Unlike · 1

    Hope Banrion A woman a while back really made me feel I was on the right path. I was performing at club allure and this girl was hovering around me and eavesdropping on conversations but wasn't talking herself for at least a half an hour just following me around… I decided to approach her and just simply ask her how her night was going and she seemed shocked. Then she started crying and apologizing and I didn't know her but I grabbed her and hugged her and just said "Never apologize for your feelings" she just hugged me back and then she settled down and said her life had been falling apart and she came to the bar just for a shot of alcohol to numb the pain and didn't even know there was a show and complimented that I seemed so free and beautiful dancing on the silks which she had never seen anything like it before and that my performance brought her to tears and made her feel like life was still worth living and that she wasn't feeling suicidal anymore like she was when she initially came to the bar.

    She made me tear up a bit so I hugged her again and told her that I understand, she is not alone and we all hit rock bottom at some point or other and I told her some of my story. I bumped into her again a year later and she is now doing aerial and pole performing and she tells people about me all the time and how I inspired her to do this. It was amazing to me how much of an impact I had on her life and made me realize that none of us know the effect we will have on others, like a drop falling into the body of water that causes the whole things to ripple, we touch the lives of others either positively or negatively, and the choice is up to us, so do we want to be a positive thing to people or a negative. I want to be positive.
    2 minutes ago · Like

  2. I agree with you 100%. I'm sorry those 2 people were able to make you so sad at Santa Monica, but I'm also glad that you have personal stories of how you have made a difference in other people's lives. Never stop being who you are!
