Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fragile Pregnant Women

Being a pregnant acrobat is really quite frustrating, it's mainly people who make it so. Everyone is so eager to give me advice and tell me what I CAN'T DO… well, I can. I'm not super human or anything but I can still put my hands palm flat on the floor between my feet, I can still do at least 12 pull ups at a time, sets of pushups, squats, lunges, splits, etc and people get mad at me and tell me i'm going to hurt myself and my baby by doing these things. I climbed the ropes to the top at Santa Monica beach last sunday to the stares of horrified spectators.
So I get on the elliptical machine at my local gym, or treadmill, or stair climber and oh, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO ELEVATE YOUR HEART RATE PAST 150 WHEN YOU'RE PREGNANT!! Well why the hell not? I've known women who ran marathons at 8 months pregnant… I take a yoga class and the teacher flips when she sees me stretching my shoulders in a bridge stretch… she nearly has cardiac arrest when I press up into a handstand and do different leg shapes, I almost lost my balance due to her screeching at me and not because i'm pregnant.
I walk in to the step class and the teacher takes one look at me and tells me not to participate because the risk of me tripping is too great and wouldn't allow me to stay in the room… I do the splits and women come up to me and tell me i'm going to injure myself because my ligaments are jelly when I'm pregnant. I listen to my body, I feel fine and my baby feels fine… I get small cramps if I do something that I'm not supposed to do and i know better than to attempt it again…

Well what the hell am I supposed to do? Lay in bed all day? That is NOT ok by me. People at the gym treat me like i shouldn't be there because weight loss is unhealthy when you're pregnant… I'm not at the gym for weight loss, i'm there because I want to remain fit so that I can more easily recover my extreme fitness post partum, that way the only thing that will take time to get back is the contortion and hand balancing as well as my endurance. Won't take long.

I am just excited for when we move to Utah because we are getting an apartment complex that has a fitness center so hopefully I can work out IN PEACE and not have to deal with the opinions of others… I can just throw on my earphones and ride that elliptical machine as hard and fast as my body feels… I get a TON of energy while i'm pregnant so why not? :-)

Here is a couple of photos of me before the pregnancy. I had so many comments on Facebook that doubted whether I was really a woman and that I certainly couldn't get pregnant with all the testosterone in my body… haha, Yeah right :-P

1 comment:

  1. This is what the medical community has to say about exercise in pregnancy...

    As long as you feel up to it and are not in any pain or bleeding, you are fine to do whatever you want. Just do be careful because the further along you get, your center of gravity changes and you are more prone to falling and hurting your tummy. That is all you really have to worry about. Good luck sweetie!
