Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pregnancy and Nutrition

I think the number one question I have been asked during my pregnancy thus far is “Do you get food cravings?” and I always hear some crazy story about some woman who craved tree bark or licked the ants off the sidewalk..
I have not had any unusual cravings really. The most difficult food time was in my first trimester when my stomach constantly felt like I had a tight rubber band wrapped around it combined with the feeling that I had drank too much coffee and was constantly floating. I didn’t really want to eat anything except for carbs and eggs and then I kept throwing up and I hated life and hated being pregnant.

Then my husband made me a salad one fine morning when I was hungry and crying that food made me too sick and he put apple cider vinegar on top of it for a dressing and it made my stomach feel sooooo good that I began drinking a couple of tablespoons of applecider vinegar mixed in cold water every time my stomach got really crazy and it made life more bearable and overall cured my morning sickness.

The only other cravings i really got was for spicey brown mustard which I put on a lot of my foods, and I also craved lamb curry, almond butter with green apples and cheerios (which i picked up the Trader Joes version with dehydrated fruits.)

At my first checkup, they drew my blood and informed me that I was probably the most healthy pregnant woman they had ever seen and that my nutrition levels were very high and that my baby has the perfect home for growing sufficiently. Everyone has encouraged me to cut loose and eat crazy now that i’m pregnant because it’s the only time that I can eat without guilt but I still prefer my health nut tendencies.
If I crave ice cream I just make a fruit smoothie instead or I suck on frozen fruits... I try to drink a green smoothie every morning when I wake up consisting of kale, spinach, apples, pears, carrots, and whatever fruit or vegetable I feel like blending for the day, and I have tried to up my protein intake and limit simple carbs.
I have gained 20lbs in the 17 weeks but I accept that some of that is baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, other things and the fact my hormones are completely out of whack and my body has gone into fat storage mode. I really don’t worry about it as long as my baby is getting what he needs but I refuse to give up my fit lifestyle so I still make time to workout and attend the gym. I do know that once the baby is out, I will get back on track… I did it before and I can do it again.

There are two types of cravings, irrational cravings where you just crave the taste or texture of something, preferably something that is tasty and not very good for you, and then there are rational cravings. These are when you crave something because your body needs the nutrients. Like maybe you’re craving chocolate but you really just need magnesium as an example.
When pregnant women get cravings for non food items it is generally a sign or severe nutrient deficiency, (the condition is called pica) if they want to eat the grass and the dirt on the ground, they probably need some iron or folic acid or something necessary is missing from their diet and the baby needs it.
I do feel as a pregnant woman that smoothies are a great food idea for early mornings as the vegetables I juice in my blender not only satisfy my hunger but it also helps my stomach set a good PH balance for the day and gives me more energy than if I were to eat greasy bread, bacon and cheese. Plus the fiber in the smoothies help prevent that pregnancy constipation that you read about in the books, I am fortunate for my diet that I haven't had to experience that first hand. It’s just always good to listen to your body and take it seriously. I am eating approximately 6 small meals a day so that I never really get hungry. Even when you are not expecting, your body can only absorb so many nutrients at a time. Most people eat huge ungodly proportions, even if it is healthy food, your body can’t use all of the nutrients and some go to waste/fat storage. Here is an example of my average eating in a day whether i’m pregnant or not, and keep in mind you don't have to eat for two, the pregnant woman only needs 300 extra calories per day...

Meal 1: Smoothie (Kale, Spinach, Apple, Carrots, Cucumber, whatever I feel like throwing in there)
Meal 2: Oatmeal with cinnamon, cashiews, dried fruits and a boiled egg for protein
Meal 3: Salmon/Chicken/Turkey/Lamb with Veggie Side or a salad
Meal 4: Fruit and nuts (or apple&banana with almond butter)
Meal 5: Beans and Rice/Quinoa mixed with veggies
Meal 6: Usually another salad to keep my stomach light at night (romaine, kale and spinach mixed with sliced hardboiled eggs, diced chicken/fish/turkey/lamb with tomatoes, onions, olives, corn, nuts, green peppers etc mixed in with a vinegar dressing or ranch)

I don’t eat this menu every day but it is just an example and most of my portion sizes fit on a small plate vs a full sized plate. And most importantly DRINK YOUR WATER! It is so important. When I am not pregnant I drink a ton of iced tea that I brew throughout the day, I had to give up the tea during this time due to inconclusive studies as to whether or not tea is harmful to the baby... I do drink a few caffiene free ones that my midwife cleared for me called Organic Pregnancy Tea, Roobios Tea, and Mint Tea but I am not too fond of the flavor. I really miss my green tea, chai, early grey, fruit teas and other collections but I can wait. I also get a weird variety of foods from my husband since he came from a 3rd world county… I've eaten Chicken hearts (which I like), Gizzard, which I am not too fond of the chewy texture. He made liver the other day which tastes like beef marinated in soap. Malanga (cuban potato type starchy root) Mamey Zapote (a fruit that looks like a pink avocado and tastes like pumpkin and sweet potato had a delicious love child) So it is kinda hard to be nutrient deprived when i eat so many weird things.
Here is a photo of a Mamey, they are very good. I need to find where to buy them in Utah, you can make an amazing milk shake out of them just with your blender and some milk (or milk alternative)

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